?> July Members Meeting: Stacey Blisset from Timpany Walton :: South Canterbury Property Investors' Association

South Canterbury Property Investors' Association


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

July Members Meeting: Stacey Blisset from Timpany Walton

Jul 20, 2022 - 7:30pm

  Caroline Bay Community Lounge at Timaru Port, Timaru 7910

SCPIA's next meeting is on the 20th July 7.30pm at Caroline Bay Lounge

The Speaker is Stacey Blisset from Timpany Walton.

Here is her bio https://timpanywalton.co.nz/stacey-blissett/

She will be speaking on the legal aspects of Property Investing, structures and any law changes that affect us or we need to be aware of.


Looking forward to seeing you there.