?> Feburary meeting :: South Canterbury Property Investors' Association

South Canterbury Property Investors' Association


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

Feburary meeting

Feb 16, 2017 - 7 pm

  caroline bay lounge

Sam Rogers is a Property Entrepreneur, if you look back at Sam’s achievements they are everything to do with property and hard work, he started at a young age investing into property, then he helped start one of the most successful property investment companies in New Zealand, he has shown value in his knowledge and skills in the property field now he has turned his attention to helping others to achieve equal success in property.
Land Partnerships Opportunity Is the safest and smartest way to invest into property for people at any age on any step of the property ladder and during this seminar you will find out how to turn $5,000 into $200,000 using real estate options on our developments in high growth areas throughout New Zealand.